If your event has the potential to affect traffic or transport, you will have to develop a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to manage these risks. Your TMP will need to include specific Traffic Control Plan/s (TCP) if you are requesting a change in regulatory signage or a road closure (including part of a road, or the whole road).
Common events that require TMP/TCP are marathons, fun runs, cycling events, parades, marches and street market days. However larger events that draw large numbers of people and don’t necessarily operate on a road will also need to consider putting a TMP/TCP in place to coordinate the safe movement of traffic and pedestrians.
TIP: When developing your TMP / TCP make sure you factor in your event set up and pack down periods too (large vehicles setting up event infrastructure have the potential to affect traffic).
The information below will explain the different requirements and will assist you in developing the relevant plans for your event.
A Traffic Management Plan template can be found on the RMS Live Traffic website
Your TCP should detail the regulatory signage and traffic control required to ensure the safety of all road users, and the protection of pedestrians, bystanders and event attendees.
The TCP shows (in a map and illustrated format) how traffic is to be safely separated from people at the event and associated areas. Only RMS accredited Traffic Controllers can direct traffic and must be employed to implement the TCP.
You are required to obtain approval from Council for your event Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan under the requirements of RMS. The Local Traffic Committee are a technical review committee that assesses the TMP’s/TCP’s and makes recommendations to the Council’s Elected Members for approval, or provide you with further advice or considerations if required.
NOTE: The Local Traffic Committee meets every second month, so you will need to contact Council at least 4 months before the date of the event, otherwise you will risk not having your TMP approved before the event. Be prepared and get in early so that you have time to implement any changes required
Class 1:
Is an event that impacts major traffic and transport systems, and disrupts the non-event community over a wide area. For example an event that reduces the capacity of the main highway through a country town or a bicycle race that involves the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
For a Class 1 event it is recommended all relevant stakeholders have been informed, and approvals sought at least 4 months prior to your event.
Class 2:
Impacts local traffic and transport systems but does not impact major traffic and transport systems, and disrupts the non-event community in the area around the event, but not over a wide area. For example an event that blocks off the main street of a town or shopping centre but does not impact a principal transport route or a highway.
For a Class 2 event it is recommended all relevant stakeholders have been informed, and approvals sought at least 3 months prior to your event.
Class 3:
Does not impact local or major traffic and transport systems, and disrupts the non-event community in the immediate area only. For example an on-street neighbourhood Christmas party.
For a Class 3 event it is recommended all relevant stakeholders have been informed, and approvals sought at least 2 months prior to your event.
Class 4:
Is intended for small on street events and requires Police consent only. For example a small ANZAC Day march in a country town.
For a Class 4 event it is recommended all relevant stakeholders have been informed, and approvals sought at least 1 month prior to your event.
Special Events in Streets and Laneways:
Intended for events in a road, street or laneway (e.g. a street fair) where temporary closure would be required.
The full process can be found here.
For further information, on the different Event Classes, and to access a Traffic Management Plan Template, visit the RMS Live Traffic Website
Please note that only certified traffic controllers are allowed to direct traffic.
Some other tips that can help reduce event parking congestion:
Working with local public transport providers can help increase the accessibility of your event. It will also help reduce congestion in and around the area of your event, reduce parking concerns, and provides options for the community who cannot drive.
Helpful contacts:
Partnering with local hospitality establishments who run courtesy buses to and from their premises is also a good way to involve local businesses with your event. While they may be able to provide a service for your event, there is also a cross promotional opportunity for their business.