It’s important at the end of the event to do a proper wrap-up in order to ensure that all stakeholders are satisfied with the outcomes from the event and that no ‘loose-ends’ are left hanging leading in to the next event. Things you should consider include:
It should involve all of key stakeholders and it’s a good idea to distribute an evaluation form to all involved prior to the event debrief to encourage them to think about what is to be discussed.
To keep it simple ask each of your team to report on their respective areas of responsibility:
By using this simple process, the debrief to a certain extent, should provide the basis for your next event’s planning with those key discussion points that were identified in the debrief, implemented into an updated Event Plan. You can download an Event Debrief template from the Free Templates page.
Event research can be a critical tool in determining economic impacts of an event, how successful the marketing of your event has been, and what aspects of your event worked and what didn’t. As well as patrons its worthwhile looking to undertake research with sponsors, entertainers, traders, and vendors to get a more holistic perspective of the success of the Event.
If research is conducted in a timely manner, the findings can also be shared at the debrief. There are some sample Event Survey questions included on the Free Templates page.
For Events where the media interest will be more localised, monitoring can be quite easily done in-house through the monitoring of local media channels. Online tools such as GOOGLE alerts can also be a simple way of tracking online interest in your event.
For larger Events where there will be national or international interest media monitoring companies can provide a comprehensive assessment of media coverage for a fee. Also keep in mind your sponsors as often large companies will have permanent media monitoring services in place so you may be able to utilise a sponsor who has these services in place.