The following templates and resources have been provided to assist you in your event planning.
All of these documents can be edited by you to suit your specific event needs. We encourage you to use these in conjunction with the Event Guide.
Event Management Plan Template
This template will help you to scope your event and keep you focused to ensure your event is a success.
Event Timeline Template
This template is a handy planning tool that will help you map out what needs to be done over the 12 months leading into your event. It contains an embedded formula to autofill the key dates based on your event dates.
Detailed Event Budget
The Event Budget is a working document that you will need to refer to and updated almost daily to ensure that your event finances are on track. This template is comprehensive and great for events with lots of elements.
Simple Event Budget
This template is a simplified version of the detailed event budget that only covers broad areas of your event.
Traffic Management Plan
This Traffic Management Plan is provided by RMS – you will be redirected to their website.
Risk Assessment
A Risk Assessment is an important tool to help you identify potential hazards associated with your event and ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to reduce the likelihood of an incident occurring.
Event Marketing Plan Template
The Marketing Plan is used to set out your objectives for promoting your event.
Event Notification Template
This template can be used to notify relevant stakeholders that the Event is taking place and alert them to any potential disruptions or risks including road closures, noise, and excessive crowds. Courtesy notification should include emergency services such as Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance and SES, as well as nearby residents and businesses.
Site Plan Checklist
Use this checklist to ensure that you have included all the important features of your Event on your Site Plan.
Accessible Event Checklist
Use this checklist to help increase the accessibility of your Event.
Event Production Schedule
The Event Production Schedule allows you to plan the key timings over your entire event including the Bump In and Bump Out periods.
Event Runsheet
The Event Runsheet allows you to provide more detailed timings on every element of your event once it is open. It’s great to use to keep track of performance times, special guest appearance times or important announcements etc.
Event Staff and Event Volunteer Sign On Sheet
Use these templates to create sign on sheets for Event Staff and Volunteers to record their hours of work during the event.
Event Contact List
Use this template to create a Contact List for everyone involved in your event.
Event Media Release
Make the local media aware of your event using this template.
Event Debrief Report
It’s important at the end of the event to review the event in its entirety to ensure you capture information relating to what worked well, and recommendations for your next event. Use this template to get you started.
Event Survey
This template has a few sample questions that you might consider using when surveying your event attendees.